This weekend is Brickfest in Portland. I already registered and paid to go. I don’t want to go, but Dan has talked me into going anyway. He is one of the organizers, so he has to go. They are depending on him to run his event and whatnot. I think that Sarah would want me to go, but I just don’t have the energy to explain to various random people that I only see at these events once in a blue moon where my daughter is. Dan pointed out that a change of scenery, a strange hotel room (where every little knick knack and mark on the wall won’t remind me of Sarah) might be good for me right now, better than being in the apartment.
Of course, I’m sitting at home right now all alone. So much for being strong. I couldn’t get out of bed this morning. Oh well, I expect some days are just going to be like that for a while. I also realized that I have eaten the equivalent of about half a meal since I left Texas on Monday. No wonder I feel so tired and weak and dizzy. One day at a time, right? So my job today is to eat and to rest and to scan in some more of Sarah’s photography for the flickr page. I think I can handle that.