FFRF on the radio
From an FFRF News Release:
Annie Laurie Gaylor, Freedom From Religion Foundation co-president, will be a guest on “Radio Commentary,” a show hosted by University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Prof. Tony Palermi. The show is on WRST FM 90.3, which is the campus station and also a Wisconsin Public Radio affiliate. Although local, there is live audio streaming at: www.uwosh.edu/wrst/. The topic will be the Foundation’s ongoing complaint to halt placement of a “Christmas Box Angel” in a public park in Oshkosh, which has been dominating headlines there.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation is a national association of freethinkers (atheists and agnostics) working to keep church and state separate since 1978. For more information, go to www.ffrf.org.
For what it’s worth, I am glad there’s someone out there doing stuff like this. The 85 year old woman who started this complaint against the angels said in an interview that FFRF was “like a breath of fresh air” to her (I’m paraphrasing). I agree. It’s just one small indication that the entire world hasn’t quite gone crazy yet.
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