four dash four

Here I am back at work. Take two. I feel much better today than I did last week. The last two days I’ve spent at home basically feeling sorry for myself. Oh well, you know what the Flylady says. “You are not behind. Just jump in where we are, OK?” I love that woman.

Anyway. I ate lunch today. I knew I really had to because I haven’t been eating much lately. I went down to the cafeteria and nothing looked edible. So, I just said screw it and went across the street to I love Sushi. What the hell. Fish oil is good for you, right? Plus, it got me out into the sunshine for a few minutes which is also good.

Dan is enlisting his cousin the artist to draw something to put on Sarah’s tombstone. I asked for sunflowers and butterflies. Nothing fancy. I want beauty, not busy-ness. We’ll see what they come up with.

I still need to write thank you cards for the plants, flowers, donations to charity and cards that people sent. Also for the food. Someone also cleaned my kitchen while I was gone, but I’m not even sure who did that.

One day at a time.
